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August 17th 2020 6 PM Pelvis fragility fractures

Dear colleagues,
On Aug 17, 2020 06:00 PM under organization of European Society of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) will be held very interesting WEBINAR:
Fragility fractures of the pelvis. Diagnosis, recommendations for and techniques of surgical stabilisation.

Moderator will be:
1. Jonathan Tilsed, UK

Speaker will be:
1. Pol Rommens, GER

Panellists will be:
1. Hans-Christoph Pape, CH
3. Klaus Wendt, NL.

Prof. Rommens and prof. Pape are already known and popular to our society STA (Serbian Trauma Asociation) as we have had privilege during the past years to have them as our guest speakers during our national congresses.

For more information, and to register please click on link below:








Mitkovic School - Jovana Ristica 38, 18000 Nis, Serbia - Tel/fax: +381 18 531 444, +381 63 40 66 13
e-mail: mitkovic@gmail.com