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7th European Trauma Congress

7th European Trauma Congress May 14-17, 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Orthopaedic surgeons from all over the world participated. The main topics related to Geriatric trauma, Polytrauma, Pediatric trauma etc. Between discussions, Trochanteric fractures were very interesting. It has been concluded that DHS has disadvantages in regard of cut out because fixation is not rotatory stable, especially when subtrochanteric are involvement and eccentric placement of head-neck screw. Additional antirotating screw does not decrease mechanical complications. The similar situation is with Gamma nail – cut out is the main problem (even when 2 screws used). However there are some promising improvements of Gamma nail if square or similar pin is used instead screw, or cementing screw as AO presented. Professor Mitkovic presented very interesting results using his original selfdynamisable internal fixator, which provides rotator stability (2-3 screws in the femoral head). Because of selfdynamisable feature, this internal fixator can be regarded as “Intelligent implant”. There were very positive discussions regarding presented results.
1. Orthopaedic surgeons from Serbia: Jovanovic, Mitkovic, Saranovic, Lucic and Zivanovic,
2. One of slides presented by European presenters: Cut out using DHS left and using Gamma nail right,
3. Another slide of the same presenter explaining mechanism of cut out because of eccentric application of the screw and rotator instability,
4. Demonstration of new AO pelvic clamp and
5. Prof. El-Batravi from Cairo and Prof. Mitkovic during discussion regarding founding of World External Fixation Association.







Mitkovic School - Jovana Ristica 38, 18000 Nis, Serbia - Tel/fax: +381 18 531 444, +381 63 40 66 13
e-mail: mitkovic@gmail.com