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Advanced course of surgical fracture treatment

Dear colleagues,
From February 12-13th 2009, in Niska Banja has been held advanced course for surgical treatment of the fractures of lower extremities. In relaxed but inspirative atmosphere in morning cessions it have been presented lectures and discussions. After lunch for all participants and recreation, after 4.30 PM until in night, exercises have been performed on real copies of bone models (from recently produced in Serbia). Discussion has been continued on gala dinner for all participants with musing from orchestra from Nis and finishes at about midnight with the song performed from one colleague, participant on the course who is coming from Zrenjanin. Course has been finished with diplomas giving to all participants with desire of participants to meet again one day.

Pictures below: Participants during exercises and picture on bottom – Group picture of all participants







Mitkovic School - Jovana Ristica 38, 18000 Nis, Serbia - Tel/fax: +381 18 531 444, +381 63 40 66 13
e-mail: mitkovic@gmail.com