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Acreditation of 2nd STA Congress

Dear Colleagues,
2nd Congress of Serbian Trauma Association (STA) which will be held in Niš from 6-8. October 2011, has accreditation as CME from Serbian Health Counsel under the No. 153-02-278/2011-01 from 16.8.2011. Our guests will be: Prof. Krettek C. (Hanover), Beverly M. (London), Heim D. (Switzerland), Oestern H. (Germany), Solomin L. (Russia), Lacos G. i Ipokratis H. (Greece) etc.
Participants without accepted abstracts, with accepted posters, with accepted oral presentations and Invited specters will receive 7, 9, 11 or 13 points respectively.
Best regards
Scientific committee







Mitkovic School - Jovana Ristica 38, 18000 Nis, Serbia - Tel/fax: +381 18 531 444, +381 63 40 66 13
e-mail: mitkovic@gmail.com